Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring break

Dear sisters,

My silence on the blog does not mean I am, in fact, enjoying silence on this side. My son is on spring break and to say he talks a lot is not overstating the situation. He talks and talks and talks and then he repeats what he just said. All day long. His chosen topic of conversation is Pokemon and all that involves. I understand this is a universal rite of passage every nearly (twenty seven days and counting) six year old boy must go through, and we are there with him. His 'Poke" cards are bound together by an elastic band and form a constant bulge in his pocket. He rings his father - who is combining business with pleasure in Amsterdam this week - just to tell him which cards he has traded with his friends Liam and John. He now has Pikachu, ladies and gentlemen!

It is Friday and the week has gone by quite fast, with playdates, sleepovers, and excursions. I took Jip and his two friends to the movies on Wednesday. "O, Gosh, O, Gosh, that rocks!", "Awesome", "I'm going to blast you" are just snippets from the backseat.

(covert pokemon card trading)

Jip told me he loved his sister as much as his Pokemon cards, which is a lot, obviously. To prove it he kissed her in front of his friend Liam, who asked "Isn't that really gross?" "No" Jip said, shrugging his shoulders.

Rosie has, meanwhile, seamlessly transitioned from the "mine" fase to the "why" fase. Or I should say "moin" and "whoiy".
"It's funny how she has picked up your accent", they say at school. Don't blame me for her funny accent!

My daughter is not in my good books. The word 'no' means nothing to her. Unless it's my answer to a request she has made. Then she stamps her little feet and wails. Of course, in between she is as charming as anything, but she has come very close to the tipping point this week. I have forgotten. How long does this last? A whole year?

On the breast cancer recovery front, I am happy to announce the end of radiation. In hindsight it went quickly and wasn't too bad at all. The end of the day fatigue and the hourly hot flushes are my main discomforts. Unfortunately, with my hormone treatment they will be continuing. I received a shot in the stomach, with a rather large needle, to suppress my ovaries this week and yes, I am continuing to flush. My exact treatment has not been determined, but most likely, I will receive one of these shots every month for the next five years.

I don't wear my fashionable chemo turbans anymore. People sometimes stare a little, but it could be because they are so impressed by my new hair color, or my sunglasses.

Anyway, we all slept through Scattered Sisters' 1st birthday on 15 March, didn't we?

Happy Birthday Blog, Hooray, let there be many more years.

S2, some pictures of your pictures on the blog please.
S3, what were you doing in Sweden?



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