Sunday, September 23, 2012

Czech Indian summer and waiting for a paddling boat.

dear scattered sisters ,

Let me start this post with a song ,

A song from my heart , LOVE

The czech Indian summer is slowly coming to an end. My summer shoes and sandals are lined up to be packed into their little winter cupboard and the many knitted shawls and scarfs have come out to play their favourite seasonal game of lets wrap Jessie up.

 This is a photograph of my friend and I waiting for a paddle boat on the last day of summer.
Other than paddling I have been doing puppet shows all around the country , in a castle , in the mountains and on the square where I live in Prague. Here are some photographs of my puppet show in a bread bin, that I performed yesterday.

 This is a bundle of flowers in the mountains , imitating the colours of the czech Indian summer.

This is a summer sky in the mountains. 

The apple orchard. 

 A little mountain hut.

Enjoying the last days of warm evenings where one can sit outside with friends eating red lentil suprise !

 Will post soon !
Lots of Love ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness, well this is just perfectly lovely! Isn't there some sort of video recording of your performance (or any other of your performance)? Well done xx