Dear all,
Prague is doing well, it is warm inside my flat and warm in my studio at artschool, which is where i am spending all my time at the moment. So not much to report on the wild nightlife and discodancing dumplings but im hoping to make up for it soon. Am also going for longish walks along the river with Yeti after he cooks me lunch now and again.
With our atelier we are preparing an exhibition in the east of Czech republic in a funny named town that i havent quite yet discovered how to pronounce yet : Valasky mezi Ryce . it is suposed to be situated between two rivers.
The theme of the exhibition is Scandal and we are supposed to each do a scandelous painting, piece, performance or whatever we want. I've almost finished my paintings but they are absolutely not scandelous, so i suppose i will do a performance. I do not know what yet.
Do you have any ideas, which doesnt involve poo or being naked ? Please let me know...
A lorry will be arriving on thursday morning to ship all our art works to the gallery ( which used to be a farm house for drying wheat)
And on friday we will post ourselves in a train to the place , which will take four and half hours to get there and we will be staying there for four days and we will each have to talk about our work. In czech, so you can imagine that it will be a very interesting experience for me.
I will give you a detailed account of the whole event and photograph all the scandals !
But in the meantime i send you some warm pictures for these dull winter days.
Sending you all lots of positive vibes,
All my love
I am sorry S3, as you should now by now, all my ideas involve someone taking their clothes off. I will think a bit more and let you know.
Ah yes, I remember it well, S1. And, despite all trauma related to aforementioned disrobings, at the moment, I am afraid my ideas also involve taking people's clothes off..sorree!
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