Yesterday I saw Chinatown for the second time in two days. The first time had left a few blackholes, after I dropped off somewhere in the middle. This is not an unusual course of events in this stage of my life. Anyway, Faye Dunaway plays an important role in this film and looks pretty good throughout. Once I was told I looked like her. Unfortunately this was not for her role in Chinatown but for her role in the film Barfly with Mickey Rourke, in which she plays an admirable drunk. At the time it was meant as a compliment, an outing of awe; a compliment which I took in good grace. That is a long time ago, in days when I was younger and even more pasty faced than I am now. No longer do I linger at the bar. I am now Jip and Rosie's MOTHER and spend many hours peddling to and from different destinations, discussing, fully sober, the merits of various super heroes and their weapon arsenal. Did you know that CHEETAHBAT (who?) has a disk that he throws, and that this disk emits laser beams at the same time? Cheetahbat is in fact on the same (good) team as CLAWFAKE (?). Uhh? Well did you know that?
Now Rosie hasn't fully entered the conversation yet. She has, for the time being, developed a unique and very effective high pitched shriek, which she likes to throw in at opportune moments. It is particularly fun in the supermarket, when she catches her mother momentarily(!) distracted by the gossip magazines at the check-out counter. In fact any public space is fun to experiment with a high pitched shriek.
On the days my lovely children are away for some hours, I panick slightly. What to do with my time? What do I talk about? To whom? What do I take pictures of and what should I go and see to get insipired?
These are the socks that are currently missing a partner in our household. And the matching ones are NOWHERE to be found. The American washing machines appear to be more vicious than the European ones.

the Roman Nosed one.
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